a bite of the 2nd ciie-凯发网

a bite of the 2nd ciie

source: cgtn| published: 2019-11-10

is there a place where one can sample delicacies from all over the world? yes! it is the food and agricultural products pavilion at the 2nd china international import expo (ciie) in shanghai, which features a plethora of mouthwatering treats ranging from lentils and dried figs to bulgur-based salads and even yogurt-based turkish desserts. visitors can also enjoy live cooking by master chefs introducing turkish culinary traditions with a chinese twist. moreover, baking enthusiasts must not miss out on the louis lesaffre cup where top pastry chefs share their understanding of music through their culinary creations. lastly, how about some french cheese for dessert? visit the pavilion and try some comté, mimolette or camembert!  
