shanghai in 24 hours-凯发网

shanghai in 24 hours

source: people's daily| published: 2019-11-14

within 24 hours, what's happening in shanghai?

06:00 shanghai

traditional breakfast has been served, which tastes best under the sun.

07:00 residential area

garbage classification becomes a new way of life style.

08:00 subway

commuters are on their way to work.

09:00 the site for the 1st national congress of the communist party of china

the red flag remains the same, and blue and red brick witness the vicissitudes of life.

10:00 pudong new area

at the stock exchange, the financial index highlights the economic pulse.

11:00 xinchang ancient town

the traditional town is revitalized thanks to creative designs.

12:00 shanghai center

read books and enjoy the charm of the "magic city".

13:00 town god's temple

small bridges, flowing water and pavilions present the charm of a classical garden.

14:00 pudong new area

the orderly aircraft assembly realizes the chinese innovation dream.

15:00 zhangjiang medicine valley

researchers work tirelessly to bring hope to patients.

16:00 jiashan mart

foreigners are running distinctive stands, which is quite the sight in the old alley.

17:00 chongming dongtan

the reeds sway in the wind as the sun sets.

18:00 banks of pujiang

night falls and the evening lights are lit.

19:00 huaihai road

the float parade is gorgeous and the fairy tale world is fascinating.

20:00 hongkou district

the stadium is filled with passionate people.

21:00 shanghai fashion week

under the spotlight, clothes presented on the catwalk lead the fashion world.

22:00 binjiang riverside

on both sides of the huangpu river, neon lights are bright and the roads are bustling with people.

23:00 huangpu district

intelligent public security guards the city's safety.

00:00 changning district

lights of hongqiao airport flicker.

01:00 subway tunnel

people are inspected cautiously and "night walkers" guard the city's safety.

02:00 convenience store

street shops are brightly lit and warm.

03:00 yangshan deep-water port

automated operations are organized and intelligent terminals are brightly lit.

04:00 sheshan mountain

the "eyes of deep space" (or shenkongzhiyan in chinese) can observe things a billion light years away.

05:00 the bund

the morning dawns on the east.

within 24 hours, shanghai achieves success of 70 glorious years along with new missions.

within 24 hours, shanghai's city life is exquisite, rich and colorful.

within 24 hours, shanghai's culture has a unique charm.

within 24 hours, shanghai makes unremitting efforts, and strives to be the first courageously.

within 24 hours, shanghai leads innovation efforts and strives to write a new chapter.

shanghai in 24 hours, a story of inclusiveness and courage. 
