the snow dance of golden pheasants in central china-凯发网

the snow dance of golden pheasants in central china

source: cgtn| published: 2019-12-05

phoenix-like golden pheasants were recently caught on camera gamboling around and foraging in snow in ganshan national forest park of sanmenxia city, central china's henan province.

the golden pheasants, or chinese pheasants, a bird species under china's second-class protection, are native to forests in mountainous areas in china, and sanmenxia is believed as one of their major native habitats.

the beautiful birds have been spotted in and around sanmenxia, including ganshan national forest park, yanzi mountain, yuhuangshan national forest park and lesser qinling natural reserve.

every year, sanmenxia attracts many amateur and professional photographers to snap pictures of the birds.

in 2015, the golden pheasant, together with the white swan, was made as city birds of sanmenxia.

(cover image via vcg)
