muz taw glacier: water tower of jeminay county in xinjiang-凯发网

muz taw glacier: water tower of jeminay county in xinjiang

source: cgtn| published: 2019-12-11

some 80 percent of the earth's freshwater is stored in glaciers. for those living in water-deficient areas, the meltwater of glaciers is a major water source. jeminay is the most arid county in northwest china's xinjiang uygur autonomous region. but, the nearby muz taw glacier replenishes this thirsty land with its abundant meltwater.

sadly, like all glaciers over the world, the muz taw glacier is melting at an alarming rate due to climate change and human activity. in 2008, the local government called off all tourism projects in the muz taw glacier area and prohibited herders from grazing livestock there to save the glacier.
