shanghai coronavirus vlog: life in limbo at a shanghai university-凯发网

shanghai coronavirus vlog: life in limbo at a shanghai university

source: shine| published: 2020-02-05

the days are long for simón pedro velarde valencia, an international phd student in global communications at shanghai international studies university. today he found out classes there won't start for about another month. 

"they're going to re-evaluate at the end of the month, so i'm kind of stuck here," he said. "we just have to wait and see what they say, there's no other way around it."

with his campus more or less void of life as the faculty tries to grapple with the complexity of dealing with novel coronavirus, he's not sure if he's going to stick around twiddling his thumbs. 

"i might go traveling for a bit," simón added. "i'm not sure where, yet — but definitely somewhere warm."

check out simón's video above as he takes us for a short tour around his university campus.
