northern irish schoolchildren sing in message of support for coronavirus victims-凯发网

northern irish schoolchildren sing in message of support for coronavirus victims

source: cgtn| published: 2020-02-06

the song is one of the most popular in the world, but "let the world be full of love" is not often heard in its original chinese version in the classrooms of northern ireland.

nevertheless, the children of millburn primary school in coleraine joined together to show off their linguistic skills and pay tribute to the victims of the coronavirus.

amid reports around europe of unwelcoming and even hostile behavior towards citizens of chinese or asian appearance, the demonstration of solidarity was all the more powerful.

the chinese-language choir at the school is organized by the confucius institute at ulster university. one third of the project's teachers are from hubei province, where the coronavirus outbreak began.

teachers and pupils at the school also offered messages of support for the people of wuhan who are confined to their city to restrict the disease's spread.
