shanghai coronavirus vlog: the maglev's sole passenger-凯发网

shanghai coronavirus vlog: the maglev's sole passenger

source: shine| published: 2020-02-17

in today's vlog, stefan maury — the american who was worried about coming back to shanghai for fear he'd be put into home quarantine for two weeks — takes us for a ride as the only passenger on the maglev service from pudong airport.

yes, he's back in town. so did he have to go into isolation in the end? you'll have to check out the video to find out.

today i also took a quick ride on metro line 12 from qufu road to nanjing west road to see if things are picking up yet.

the metro operators said passenger numbers were up 15% over last monday, but this morning still saw millions of passenger trips lower than the same time last year.

check out today's vlog above.
