love has no boundaries: south african doctor stands with china to fight covid-凯发网

love has no boundaries: south african doctor stands with china to fight covid-19

source: china story| published: 2020-02-04

brett lyndall singh is a master’s degree graduate, majoring in pediatric and currently doing clinical practice and research in the second affiliated hospital and yuying children’s hospital of wenzhou medical university (wmu), east china’s zhejiang province. 

being in one of the most covid-19-affected areas in china, singh chose to stay and hold his ground in the wake of the epidemic.

in response to the medical supply shortage during the outbreak, singh has launched a fund-raising campaign. the donations will be used to purchase n95 medical masks, protective gear and other medical materials. the supplies will be hand over to the wenzhou medical university education development foundation for distribution to targeted hospitals.

singh shared his words with china story, appealing donations to help wenzhou against the covid-19, click to find out!
