english teacher's coronavirus challenges-凯发网

english teacher's coronavirus challenges

source: shine| published: 2020-03-04

when daniel koger heard about the outbreak of covid-19, it had just been over a year since he moved to shanghai. the english teacher, a lover of walks and bike rides, was initially concerned about getting stuck at home.

it was also a challenge as ef education first china needed to quickly switch to online teaching and encourage students also stuck at home.

the education industry was most among the impacted amidst the outbreak. shanghai daily sat down with koger to ask about his personal experience and his tips.

sd: what was the biggest challenge in staying and working in shanghai during the epidemic?

koger: one of the biggest concerns i had was developing cabin fever (not leaving the apartment).

i love getting out for walks or bike rides and so keeping myself entertained on my own took some getting used to. but after lots of movies i have managed to keep my spirits up just fine.

the biggest challenge on the working front was helping students continue their learning process in our online classroom and formulate a plan that would allow me to do my job effectively.

since the launch of online teaching i’ve constantly been improving with the support from ef, no matter in tech or in the interactive teaching materials and tools.

sd: how do you feel now? bored? worried? confident about shanghai recovering or other thoughts?

koger: i’ve felt pretty good throughout most of the time off and getting back to work.

i’ve been able to see some friends still occasionally and my kitten back home has kept me busy as well.

i can see that people in shanghai, from government to doctors, nurses and the communities, have been making joint efforts in protection and fighting the virus, so i feel confident about the recovery.

sd: how are your students doing? do they complain about being forced to stay at home? how do you entertain/teach them?

koger: my students seem to be in good spirits as well.

it’s been so great seeing them all again!

i’m sure they are wanting to get outside again too, although if i was a 5-year-old i’d definitely be all right not having to go to school every day!

the online teaching system is great, not only can we teach them new words and phrases, but they can also use it for after-class practice. they can also raise their hands to ask, pk with each other, just like what we were doing in the offline classroom.

sd: do you need to go to the office now? it seems some parts of your vlogs were taken in the office?

koger: since the government issued guidance on stopping all offline courses during the outbreak, all the ef centers have stopped providing offline training.

the centers need to follow the local guidelines in each city and district to make sure whether they can let the staff get back to work.

it isn’t a necessity for me to go to the center but i’m more comfortable working from there with more familiarity. ef has been great at working with its employees to make sure they’re comfortable, safe and healthy no matter if they choose to work from home or at the center.

sd: what was your first thought when you heard the news?

koger: my first thought was to try and gather as much information as i could.

there are plenty of news sources that make the situation seem worse and plenty that make it sound better. i tried to consume all the information and gauge where the line falls and if staying was in my best interest.

ef was quick to provide us with information as it was arriving and letting us know how situations were going to play out.

sd: how did you prepare for your own protection?

koger: i was running around town looking for masks and couldn’t find any.

fortunately, my boss brought a bunch with her back from home and i was able to get some. i bought soap and hand sanitizer and gloves to wear outside as well.

ef was able to send out care packages to help foreign people like me away from home as well.
