first batch of medics head home from wuhan-凯发网

first batch of medics head home from wuhan

source: shine| published: 2020-03-17

first batch of medics head home from wuhan

the first batch of medical staff arrive at the wuhan airport on tuesday to return home.

six charter flights carried the first batch of medical professionals from wuhan back home on tuesday. in total, 681 medical workers were on the flights after serving in the epicenter of china's coronavirus outbreak.

shanghai-based china eastern airlines operated the flights from wuhan in central china's hubei province to xining in northwest qinghai province, lanzhou in northwest gansu and nanjing in shanghai's neighboring jiangsu province.

over 30,000 doctors and nurses from across the nation have rushed to hubei to help fight the covid-19 outbreak since february. they began returning from tuesday as china is well on its way to containing the epidemic.

the first charter flight departed from wuhan tianhe international airport at 1:44pm with 146 jiangsu medical team members.

volunteers, airport staff and other passengers in wuhan bid a grateful farewell at the airport. the captains and crew members also prepared a heroic welcome for the returning doctors and nurses.

"our safety is guarded by your body and blood, our luck is ensured by your kind heart and great virtue, and our hope comes from your fearless belief," the captains told the medical staff in the cabin broadcast.

more assisting medical professionals including those from shanghai will return in the following days.

first batch of medics head home from wuhan

captain and crew members prepare a warm welcome for returning medical staff assisting wuhan.

first batch of medics head home from wuhan

a china eastern captain holds a sign to pay tribute to boarding medical staff from jiangsu province.

first batch of medics head home from wuhan

airport staff and volunteers in wuhan bid farewell to the returning medical staff.
