foreign volunteers in guangzhou share stories behind novel coronavirus fight-凯发网

foreign volunteers in guangzhou share stories behind novel coronavirus fight

source:| published: 2020-05-09

twenty-five volunteers from 15 countries, including the u.s., france, italy and india, attended a salon held in guangzhou, guangdong province on wednesday about china's novel coronavirus battle.

some of them have resided in guangzhou only a few months, and others over 20 years.

born in the u.s., alysa joy kees came to china with her parents two decades ago.

during the epidemic, she began recording her guangzhou observations and sharing them to her readers.

romeo, an italian volunteer, has lived in guangzhou for 14 years. he is constantly mesmerized by the different actualities of china and other countries.

"i find there are certain misunderstandings between china and the united states. i hope that through my stories, i can provide an objective point of view to the west. i was born in the u.s. and have grown up in china. i was very sad to read some misleading information, though which gave me some inspiration," said the american volunteer alysa joy kees.

"what surprised me most was getting daily updates at the beginning of the epidemic.those messages reminded us about the dos and don'ts during this tough time. that would never happen in my country. so, i think i should learn from guangzhou. and it was a wise choice that i didn't return home," said the italian volunteer romeo.

the volunteers want to popularize china's prevention and control measures in fighting the virus to the world.
