vlogger shares how china and israel work together in covid-凯发网

vlogger shares how china and israel work together in covid-19 fight

source: cgtn| published: 0202-05-28

when israelis were steeped in fear and negativity as confirmed coronavirus cases kept rising, they received medical supplies and equipment from china that helped save lives on the front line on top of emotional support, said y-china owner and host raz galor, who shared how china and israel worked together to fight covid-19.

professor eyal leshem, israel's top infectious disease expert who works at sheba medical center, said peking union medical college hospital reached out to many israeli hospitals since the early stages of the pandemic. they had a conference call at least once every week with the chinese team and shared knowledge of treatments, equipment and other experiences.

besides, when israel announced that schools will go back to normal, chinese teachers shared the safest and best way they found for students to return to schools.

raz said kindness is what he discovered from the two countries' cooperation – with people from different cultures, backgrounds and beliefs coming together to help solve each other's problems. "i hope that in the face of a common disaster, everyone can embrace each other instead of turning against each other, can understand each other rather than misunderstand each other."
