china energy holds open day event on wind power project in south africa-凯发网

china energy holds open day event on wind power project in south africa

source: xinhua| published: 2020-08-11

a chinese clean energy company organized an open day event on monday to showcase operations, covid-19 pandemic prevention and control measures as well as resumption of work at the de aar wind power project, south africa's largest wind power project.

themed "greener energy, greener life", the event was presided over by longyuan south africa renewables of china longyuan power group corporation limited, a subsidiary of china energy investment corporation (china energy), to demonstrate how chinese state-owned enterprises (soes) fulfill their responsibilities.

during the event, beverly, a local employee at the company, ushered viewers around different parts of the de aar wind farm, including the substation, the central control room, wind turbine tower and nacelle, informing them about the electric-generation principle, the structure of the wind turbine and layout of the wind farm, as well as the wind farm's operation and pandemic prevention measures.

according to the company, the de aar wind farm has been in stable and safe operation and has provided nearly 2 billion kwh of clean power to south africa, meeting the power demands of 300,000 households.

since the pandemic broke out, the wind farm has provided more than 200 million kwh of electricity to affected areas. it went into operation in 2017 and was the first of its kind to be invested, constructed and operated by a chinese enterprise in africa.

the wind farm is capable of providing about 760 million kwh of power annually, equalling the power produced by burning 215,800 tons of standard coal and reducing emission of 619,900 tons of carbon dioxide.

the wind farm plays a key role in improving local energy structure and promoting clean and low-carbon development in south africa which has been plagued by frequent blackouts.

in addition to wind farm operation, longyuan south africa renewables constructed six classrooms and teaching facilities at a local early-learning center. during the covid-19 outbreak, it also helped the center purchase food for children.

so far, the company has invested a total of 13.25 million rand (752,070 u.s. dollars) to support outstanding college students in finishing their studies and constructed early-learning centers for children from poverty-stricken families.

msengana, director of economic development of the de aar municipality, applauded the wind farm's contribution to local employment.

he said that the wind farm has created jobs for local people and played a significant role in supporting development of soes.

moreover, the company invested 15 million rand in neighborhood development every year and provided funds and critical anti-pandemic supplies valued at about 3.5 million rand to cape town and northern cape to help local governments fight the covid-19 outbreak.
