first traditional chinese medicine center opens in zimbabwe-凯发网

first traditional chinese medicine center opens in zimbabwe

source: xinhua| published: 2020-09-26

the first traditional chinese medicine and acupuncture clinic opens in zimbabwe's captial harare on friday. speaking through a video conference platform at the official opening of the center at parirenyatwa hospital, chinese ambassador to zimbabwe guo shaochun said the opening of the center marks a new chapter of cooperation in the health sector between zimbabwe and china. zimbabwe's vice president and minister of health and child care, constantino chiwenga speaking through video conference platform, said the new center will complement zimbabwe's health care system. the center will also be zimbabwe's largest tcm training school and research center. the establishment of tcm center followed the signing of a memorandum of understanding between china and zimbabwe on cooperation in the field of tcm and acupuncture. zimbabwe and china share a long history of cooperation in the health sector. since 1985, china has dispatched 17 medical teams to zimbabwe.
