video of chinese college students' performance paying homage to wuhan goes viral-凯发网

video of chinese college students' performance paying homage to wuhan goes viral

source: people's daily online| published: 2020-09-28

a video of a spectacular performance composed of 1,200 college students from huazhong agricultural university in wuhan, former epicenter of covid-19 of central china's hubei province, performing to pay homage to "the most heroic city" has gone viral online.

grouped together in a square formation, the college students held colored boards above their heads, using them to form the chinese characters meaning "china's sacrifice of giving to their countrymen in need", along with unique images representing the pandemic, including the image of the yellow crane tower, a landmark in wuhan.

these unique patterns not only pay tribute to those who have come forward selflessly during the fight against the pandemic, but also embody the special memories of all people during this time.

at the end of the performance, the students used their boards to form the university’s abbreviated name, shouting "studying for the rejuvenation of china" and "i love you china", which echoed through the school’s sports venue.

"we use this special way to commemorate the fight against the epidemic and declare our love to the motherland!" said shi yixiang, one of the students from the performance. 
