yak video | world's deepest canyon gets higher tourist attraction rating-凯发网

yak video | world's deepest canyon gets higher tourist attraction rating

source: xinhua| published: 2020-11-14

the yarlung zangbo grand canyon in southwest china's tibet autonomous region, known as the world's deepest canyon with a maximum depth of 6,009 meters, was accredited with a 5a-level tourist attraction rating on tuesday, the highest in the country. the 504.6-km-long canyon, located in mainling county in nyingchi along the lower reaches of the yarlung zangbo river, is also acknowledged as the longest canyon in the world. the yarlung zangbo grand canyon was rated as a 4a national tourist attraction in 2010. tibet currently has five national 5a-level tourist attractions, with the other four being the potala palace, the jokhang temple, the tashilhunpo monastery, and the basum lake.
