xiangxi miao village greets guests with special wine-凯发网

xiangxi miao village greets guests with special wine

source: ecns.cn| published: 2021-03-19

dressed in miao costumes, women of the miao ethnic group in the dehang miao village scenic spot beat miao drums, line up rice wine, sing folk songs, and serve the wine to welcome tourists from all over the world.

wine plays a significant part in the life of local people.

the rice wine is called "gate wine." a family hosting a wedding banquet usually offers each guest a bowl of home-brewed wine before letting them enter the yard.

when a tourist comes to visit, the miao people will stop him or her and offer them a cup of rice wine. if they don't drink it, they can't leave.

offering the wine is a time-honored tradition, and has become a custom of the miao ethnic minority to welcome visitors.
