athletes praise china's national speed skating oval-凯发网

athletes praise china's national speed skating oval

source:| published: 2021-04-10

the national speed skating oval, also known as "the ice ribbon", is the only new venue built for ice events of the 2022 beijing winter olympic games.

the ice ribbon is the last one of five test venues for the 2022 beijing winter olympics. athletes taking part in the test event have praised the venue track.

positive feedback also came from technical representatives of international skating union after witnessing the test event via video feed. a total 13 speed skating test events would be held here.

"the racetrack is very smooth and comfortably firm, very suitable for skating. the light, temperature and technologies in this venue make me feel good," said sun xiaohan, an athlete participating in the test event.

women's and men's speed skating test events including individual races of 500 meters, 1000 meters, 1500 meters and 5000 meters, team pursuit and mass start would complete by april 10 as scheduled.
