shanghai through the eyes of danish businessman-凯发网

shanghai through the eyes of danish businessman

source: people's daily| published: 2021-04-12

"when i came to shanghai in 1987, there were no private cars on the streets, only buses and bicycles," said simon lichtenberg, ceo and founder of trayton group. "the average living space of shanghai people at that time was not on par with what we have now. the heartbeat of shanghai or the rhythm of shanghai has been enriched a lot.”

in shanghai, lichtenberg also reinforced his jewish roots by taking his eldest son to the shanghai jewish refugees museum. having lived in the city for more than 30 years, the dane voiced support for the chinese government's role in making the country a better place. "a powerful government is necessary. the leadership of the communist party of china is also remarkable, very strong,”he said.

(video source: xinmin evening news)
