shanghai through the eyes of an australian-凯发网

shanghai through the eyes of an australian

source: people's daily| published: 2021-04-13

nusrat marat worked in the australian consulate general in shanghai starting in 1992. the job lasted for two years, but his love for the city endures. in 2008, he returned to the city with a new job offer. he settled down, got married and has lived in shanghai ever since.

during the pandemic, the australian chose to stay in shanghai because he believed that china would rein in the virus with its effective prevention and control measures. the kindness he received from other community volunteers even led him to become a community volunteer himself, who helps with temperature testing and regular disinfection in public spaces.

"i am impressed by the development of china," marat said. "the country has a very competent government leading it. with a call from the party, the government motivates everyone to work together."

(video source: xinmin evening news)
