interview: cpc leads china's impressive success, brings global benefits -凯发网

interview: cpc leads china's impressive success, brings global benefits -- iraqi ex-interim pm allawi

source: xinhua| published: 2021-06-04

the communist party of china (cpc) and the chinese people have attained remarkable achievements over the past 100 years, bringing benefits to all mankind, former iraqi interim prime minister ayad allawi has said.

"this is really something that has never occurred in the globe before," 77-year-old allawi, also former iraqi vice president and the founder of the iraqi national accord party, told xinhua in a recent interview.

"it is very interesting to see how the growth is happening in china," allawi said, recalling his visit to china in 2019. "i saw something unbelievable, very outstanding really."

he attributed the success to "the resolve of the cpc leadership," which led the chinese to move in the right direction that matches the trend of the world.

embracing socialism with chinese characteristics, the cpc leadership has accomplished a lot, including eradicating extreme poverty in the world's most populous country, said allawi.

allawi views as very important the declaration that extreme poverty was eliminated in china. "it shows how dedicated the chinese are in improving their situation. it also shows the quality of leadership that china has," he said.


speaking of the ongoing covid-19 pandemic, allawi said china has provided tangible assistance to many countries, produced vaccines, and pledged to make them global public goods to address the uneven global vaccination.

"many countries are using the chinese vaccines, which means again in this field that china made the vaccines available to the international community," allawi said, adding, "china is trying to help the people throughout the world."

however, instead of facing their own problems, western governments and mainstream media are trying to tarnish china by distorting its intentions, making china "a scapegoat," allawi said.

"they accuse china of various things, but china is proving itself otherwise," he said.

the fact that china is helping the world with its very significant vaccines "indicates the chinese level of ethics in dealing with the pandemic," allawi added.
