men of the people: young cpc member drives changes in kenya-凯发网

men of the people: young cpc member drives changes in kenya

source: cgtn| published: 2021-06-16

thousands of kilometers stand between china and kenya, but for one young member of the communist party of china (cpc), the east african country is starting to feel like home.

archie yang has lived in kenya since september 2020, and he's found inspiration and friendship through building ties and making a difference in kenya.

in september 2020, archie came to kenya right after his graduation. now he is working as a sales manager in startimes kenya. his work includes conducting field visits for sales and marketing.

faith kinaiyo and her family are among the beneficiaries of the "10,000 villages initiative" spearheaded by chinese president xi jinping in 2015. the initiative seeks to expand access to digital tv. twenty households were connected in every village as well as three projectors for public spaces.

"what africa now has is actually what we had 20 years ago. so we know what africa wants. just about the 10,000 villages initiative, we know they need digital tv, the good content, they need to get news outside their country, their village," said archie.

archie knew that the young people especially those in the rural areas, they have their dreams but they don't know how to achieve them.

due to the 10,000 villages initiative, archie has witnessed the impact startimes is having on rural communities. and it fills him with pride.

archie said: "sometimes it's very difficult to help somebody. but through using the village project toward the free digital tv, we can broaden their horizon."

a business trip to narok, a town west of nairobi, proved life-changing for archie. it was in the middle of the europa football tournament. and even though startimes had installed the infrastructure for digital tv, the children's center in narok could not afford the subscription.

seeing the disappointment on the children's faces, archie offered to pay the subscription himself.

for kinaiyo, startimes has helped broaden her horizons and fuel her dreams.

"since i was young, i always wanted to be a lawyer. i have also watched programs of lawyers. they have motivated me and made me feel that i can also be a lawyer and be like them. like the way they act, i also want to fight for people's rights," said kinaiyo.

kenya is a long way from home for archie. but this new job has come with new friends. sometimes he feels very lonely and helpless. when he feels this kind of emotions, he talks with his colleagues and friends.

archie said: "now i just feel i have already fallen in love with africa. not just because of the environment, but also the people here."
