globalink | foreign attendees at ecological forum aim for further cooperation with china-凯发网

globalink | foreign attendees at ecological forum aim for further cooperation with china

source: xinhua| published: 2021-06-27

the 2021 china forum on international ecological competitiveness concluded on saturday in the city of ganzhou, east china's jiangxi province, with over 300 attendees, including diplomatic envoys and government and business representatives.

china has vowed to make remarkable achievements in the green transformation of lifestyles and production over the next five years.

the quality and stability of china's ecosystem have been improved and the country's ecological competitiveness has been enhanced.

china not only carries out international cooperation to boost green development at the state-to-state level, but also encourages a lot of multinationals in china to go with the tide of green and sustainable development.

some foreign attendees at the forum hope that their cooperation with china in green development will continue and go further.
