globalink | sea buckthorn brings green ecology to villages in tibet -凯发网

globalink | sea buckthorn brings green ecology to villages in tibet

source: xinhua| published: 2021-07-05

decades ago, the environment in luntse river valley, shannan, tibet used to be covered by sand. the flowing river dried up gradually after each rainy season, leaving yellow sand on the bare riverbed to wind, blocking out the sky and the sun as if it were raining. local residents long suffered because of the harsh environment.

in 1966, villagers started to test plant five kinds of saplings, including sea buckthorn.

in 1968, villagers started to plant sea buckthorn on a large scale.

today, the plantation of sea buckthorn in luntse county has reached more than 46 thousand ha, stretching for more than 40 kilometers.
