ai gadgets, solutions on show at world ai conference in shanghai-凯发网

ai gadgets, solutions on show at world ai conference in shanghai

source: china daily| published: 2021-07-09

a suite of the latest gadgets and solutions backed by artificial intelligence made it to the 2021 world artificial intelligence conference in shanghai, the best embodiments of china's rich application scenarios that foster the sector's quick takeoff.

sensetime is debuting its first autonomous-driving bus blending ai with augmented reality technology.

the minibus can realize a level 4, or 'high automation' driving level, where the vehicle does not require human intervention in given conditions.

"equipped with senseauto pilot solutions, the buses follow a designated route and are most suitable to shuttle between work campuses and tourist sites," said shi jianping, vice-president of intelligent driving of sensetime's mobile intelligence group.

during the ride, passengers also get to view road conditions and scenery along the road in real time through two screens installed in the front and side of the vehicle cabin. ar effects promise an immersive experience, such as displaying information in adjacent shopping malls or tourist sites as the bus reaches a certain destination nearby.


 the ai ar minibus by sensetime at the 2021 world artificial intelligence conference in shanghai. 

"these are materialized by the three laser radars, two millimeter-wave radars, and three cameras equipped on the minibus," said li yinian, director of product solutions at sensetime.

each of these gadgets serve unique purposes: laser radars can help form a 3d picture to get a holistic view of objects. millimeter-wave radars manage to withstand unfavorable weather conditions like rain and snow to detect objects on the road. the cameras serve to identify and interpret road signs and traffic lights.


 a ubtech robot gives massage to a visitor at the 2021 waic in shanghai. 

ubtech robotics, which makes intelligent humanoid robotics and ai technologies, unveiled its latest version of bipedal humanoid robot called walker x during the event.

the robot has been upgraded to perform a wider range of household tasks, including serving tea, pouring liquids, watering flowers, wiping surfaces and operating a vacuum cleaner.

the gadget demonstrates its diversified and intelligent in-home service capabilities, being able to climb stairs, walk up and down slopes, play chess in real time, and walk on uneven terrain.

what's more, walker x can control common artificial internet of things devices, such as lights and appliances independently and according to user habits and scenarios.

"we are proud to be able to demonstrate the newest technologies with walker x and look forward to continuing our mission of bringing a robot into every home and business," said michael tam, ubtech's chief brand officer.


 the latest dual-screen translator by iflytek is showcased at the event. 

iflytek, the ai company with a specialty in voice recognition, is presenting a dual-screen translator it recently launched.

two users can speak into the device and the translation is then presented to the other person in written form in real time on a screen attached to the other side.

in daily conversation translation function, simultaneous interpretation level real-time translation can be realized without any operation, and the translation results are pushed to the screen in real time.

the company said such a device can cover language usages in some 200 countries and regions. it also can support photo translation in 32 languages, simultaneous translation of 16 languages without the need to be connected to the internet and translation between 14 foreign languages and english.
