globalink | xinjiang, my home: college graduate from shanghai becomes bakery store owner -凯发网

globalink | xinjiang, my home: college graduate from shanghai becomes bakery store owner

source: xinhua| published: 2021-07-11

a college graduate from shanghai chose to return to her hometown in northwestern china's xinjiang uyghur autonomous region after graduation.

yingrong is an ethnic mongolian in tacheng city in xinjiang, china. after graduation from shanghai normal university, she could have stayed in shanghai. but she missed her hometown and her family so much that she finally decided to came back to her hometown.

as her parents grew older, yingrong was entrusted with the family business.

"we should pay more attention to the ingredients. even if the cost is higher, we must guarantee the taste and quality," said yingrong. after taking over the family bakery business in 2019, yingrong has been sticking to the principle of treating people with sincerity and doing business with good faith.
