globalink | successful policies allow china to eradicate absolute poverty, says lebanon's communist party chief-凯发网

globalink | successful policies allow china to eradicate absolute poverty, says lebanon's communist party chief

source: xinhua| published: 2021-07-08

hanna gharib, general secretary of lebanon's communist party, praised the successful policies adopted by chinese authorities which allowed china to eradicate absolute poverty, in an interview on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the communist party of china (cpc).

he emphasized that china's success lies in its capacity to turn slogans into practical actions, which means that the cpc's practice of building socialism with chinese characteristics has turned marxist ideas into reality.

gharib noted that china's success in eradicating poverty is an unprecedented achievement.

gharib said he had noticed during his visits to china an extraordinary mutual trust that exists between the chinese population and the government, which creates great optimism in the cpc's ability to implement the belt and road initiative (bri) project.

he added that the cpc has offered covid-19 support to many nations, which later expressed their appreciation for china's humanitarian help.

"in lebanon, we have received great support from china in our fight against the coronavirus, which we greatly appreciate," he said.
