cpc spirit passed down through generations to be found anywhere in china: kaligaeva ekaterina-凯发网

cpc spirit passed down through generations to be found anywhere in china: kaligaeva ekaterina

source: people's daily| published: 2021-07-18

to mark the centenary of the communist party of china (cpc), a new episode of cpc at 100: views from expats features kaligaeva ekaterina, a tsinghua university student from belarus who has lived and studied in beijing for three years and is proud to call beijing her second home.

in the video, ekaterina says going to tsinghua was the best decision of her life. she has learned to be open-minded, innovative, brave and confident. she has met chinese people from different regions, families and backgrounds. many were members of the cpc. in ekaterina’s eyes, they can find their own self-worth and also contribute to the welfare of local people in many ways, which is the cpc spirit passed on from generation to generation, and can be found anywhere in china. “by sharing their stories, i can help more people to see a different china,” she says.
