globalink | chinese netizens show respect to domestic sportswear brand after its low-凯发网

globalink | chinese netizens show respect to domestic sportswear brand after its low-profile donation

source: xinhua| published: 2021-07-24

chinese netizens showed big love to a chinese domestic sportswear brand after its low-profile donation to floods-hit people in central china's henan province.

the chinese domestic sportswear company erke announced on wednesday a donation of 50 million yuan (about 7.7 million usd) to the victims in central china's floods-hit henan province. the donation was announced via a photo posted on its low-key weibo account.

the post had collected over 9.3 million likes and 274,000 comments as of saturday afternoon. most of the comments were expressing respect for the company's big heart.

as a matter of fact, the "generous" donation came from a company that hasn't run its business very smoothly recently. its kind deeds have moved millions of chinese netizens who sent the topic to the top of the trending search list on sina weibo, chinese equivalent of twitter, on thursday, one day after the company's low-profile announcement of its donation.

the company's livestream drew nearly 10 million viewers watching at the same time on saturday, though the figure used to be less than 10,000. the host even had to suggest the audience consume rationally.

as of saturday afternoon, death toll climbed to 58 in china's rain-ravaged henan, with five people missing.
