
china-latin america relations: latin american and caribbean ambassadors seek closer ties

source: cgtn| published: 2021-07-28

thirteen ambassadors from latin america and the caribbean have taken part in a forum here in beijing, to discuss how they can cooperate further with china on several projects, including infrastructure and trade.

organizers of the forum say 19 latin american countries have joined china's belt and road initiative, boosting trade and investment which has been over 300 billion us dollars three years in a row.

lin songtian president, chinese people's association for friendship with foreign countries "china and latin america have carried out joint infrastructure projects including highways, ports, airports, smart cities and smart transportation. but there is also broad scope for cooperation in technological innovation, such as the digital economy, e-commerce, smart equipment and the industrial internet."

fernando lugris is the current head of the diplomatic mission of latin american and caribbean states to china. he says more countries in the region are expanding their diplomatic network throughout china, hoping for closer ties with chinese cities.

earlier this month, chile opened its fifth consulate in china, this latest one is in the southwestern city of chengdu. the chilean ambassador told us he is looking forward to more diversified business opportunities.

luis schmidt chile's ambassador to china "topics we're working is collaboration in food. you know chile is a very long and narrow country, for this reason we have more than 4,500 kilometers of coast. we have a lot of seafood. we have a big supply in salmon meat and seafood for china."

xie hongzhou beijing "but ties between china and latin american countries aren't just about trade and investment. with the global shortage in covid-19 vaccines, china is providing tens of millions of doses to the latin american countries most in need helping the region accelerate its economic recovery. xie hongzhou, cgtn, beijing."
