german family tastes fenghua honey peaches -凯发网

german family tastes fenghua honey peaches

source: ningbo evening news| published: 2021-08-08

in linjia village of fenghua district, ningbo, east china’s zhejiang province, peach trees sweep across wangjia hill, beaming red with brilliant flowers and plentiful fruit. when spring arrives, full-blown clusters tint the hillsides with a warm, delightful pink. then in midsummer, these blossoms turn into large, ripe peaches, getting ready for harvest. the honey peach growing in fenghua – famed as “the fruit from the abode of immortals” – is prized for its sweetness and juiciness and has gained popularity at home and abroad.

on july 8, andrea steckle jiang from germany went peach-picking at wangjia hill with her daughter and son.
