globalink | three generations' persistence on inheriting bamboo carving skills -凯发网

globalink | three generations' persistence on inheriting bamboo carving skills

source: xinhua| published: 2021-08-12

tang qineng, an inheritor of bamboo carving in dazu district of southwest china's chongqing municipality, has been dedicated to the craft for years.

bamboo carving is an important part of chinese bamboo art. in traditional chinese culture, bamboo is a symbol of moral integrity, resistance, modesty and loyalty.

to better pass on the craft, tang's daughter and son-in-law launched a bamboo-carving workshop to make the beauty of this ancient chinese art more widely known among the public.

miarimbola andrianjatovo miray fifaliana, an international student from madagascar who's currently studying at southwest university, joined the "looking china international youth film project" and filmed a short documentary about tang and his family's efforts on inheriting bamboo carving skills.
