looking into china: china is my second home-凯发网

looking into china: china is my second home

source: cgtn| published: 2021-07-04

kate is a german vlogger interested in chinese culture, so she chose to study sinology at peking university in 2015. during the time kate studied in china, she traveled to many different chinese cities, tried many local cuisines and made many good friends. after graduating, kate started her business in london and became a vlogger sharing her experience in chinese and english-language. when the covid-19 pandemic hit london, and the city went under lockdown, kate found it difficult to get supplies. to her surprise, many of her chinese fans sent her masks and sanitizers. "china is like my second home. i hope someday in the future; i can go back to china to see my friends and have hotpot with them." kate said.
