rare primate cub thriving at breeding base in sw china's yunnan-凯发网

rare primate cub thriving at breeding base in sw china's yunnan

source: cgtn| published: 2021-08-24

a recently born red slender loris is thriving at a wildlife protection and rescue base in the dehong dai and jingpo autonomous prefecture, southwest china's yunnan province.

born on august 11, the baby primate is still staying in the arms of its mother, taking a carefree nap between her arms or finding shelter under her warm belly as she ventures up and down the breeding garden.

the red slender loris (loris tardigradus) is a nocturnal strepsirrhine primate native to the rainforests of sri lanka.

under national top-level protection in china, the rare primate is only found in a few spots in yunnan province and guangxi zhuang autonomous region.

the wildlife rescue center in dehong, which also conducts research on endangered animals, now serves as a safe habitat for 93 red slender lorises.
