globalink | east china province strengthens wetland protection, attracts rare migratory bird-凯发网

globalink | east china province strengthens wetland protection, attracts rare migratory bird

source: xinhua| published: 2021-08-25

qian maosong, an experienced bird watcher, first observed and photographed the endangered oriental white stork in chaohu lake five years ago.

it was the first time this endangered species was spotted in this area in the 21st century.

qian said that in recent years, the local government has stepped up efforts to improve environment. the wetlands have been greatly inreased, and the diversity of wetland species has also been well restored.

the oriental white stork, a migratory bird species under first-class national protection, is listed as "endangered" by the international union for conservation of nature.

its global population has reached 9,000, according to the latest statistics from the joint crane conservation committee of china wildlife conservation association.
