globalink | 5g technology develops fast in nw. china-凯发网

globalink | 5g technology develops fast in nw. china

source: xinhua| published: 2021-09-02

gansu 5g joint innovation center established by china mobile's gansu branch was put into use in lanzhou city of northwest china's gansu province in august.

the center with an area of about 1,500 square meters shows visitors various 5g applications, including ar, vr, holographic projection, robot, 4d cinema and other facilities and equipment.

visitors can enjoy an immersive experience on 5g applications, such as smart city, unmanned driving, smart education, vr games and robots. more than 3,000 visitors have visited the center since this august.

gansu province has been actively promoting its 5g wireless network to upgrade industries and improve its appeal to investors. it also put into operation 5g-powered unmanned mining trucks in 2020, which can be operated remotely down mines to mitigate risks for miners.

gansu plans to build more than 30,000 5g base stations by the end of 2022 to cover all prefectures and cities in the region.
