globalink | chinese acupuncture therapy helps treat patients in ethiopia-凯发网

globalink | chinese acupuncture therapy helps treat patients in ethiopia

source: xinhua| published: 2021-09-09

chinese acupuncture therapy, a component of traditional chinese medicine (tcm), is helping patients in ethiopia regain health and vitality.

berhanu kedir, 34, is one of the many outpatients who have been receiving the traditional chinese medicine (tcm) at the tirunesh beijing hospital in the ethiopian capital, addis ababa.

lia hailu, 22, is another regular outpatient who was admitted in the hospital's acupuncture treatment center a month ago after she suffered from facial palsy.

seble mamo, who serves as the chief ethiopian acupuncturist in the center, said the chinese acupuncture is reaching more needy people, helping locals cure from a variety of illnesses such as headaches, blood pressure, and sleeping problems, among others.
