chinese kids pursue winter olympic dream in beijing 2022 competition zone zhangjiakou -凯发网

chinese kids pursue winter olympic dream in beijing 2022 competition zone zhangjiakou

source: xinhua| published: 2021-10-04

just a couple of months after beijing won the bid to host the 2022 winter olympic games in july, 2015, beijing 2022 competition zone zhangjiakou, hebei province, set up a very unique winter sports training school, the zhangjiakou youth winter olympic games school. distinct from usual sports schools in china, this one was established inside zhangjiakou xuanhua no. 2 middle school and offers characteristic ice and snow courses to the students.

xuanhua no. 2 middle school students are able to finish their regular school education while they receive winter sports training according to their interest.

over the past 6 years, this school has established many professional sports teams such as alpine skiing, cross-country skiing, snowboarding and u-shaped field skills, and hired professional athletes and coaches to teach its students, and a number of students athletes have been selected into the provincial team and the national team.
