meet china's 77-凯发网

meet china's 77-year-old "hanfu grandma"

source: cgtn| published: 2021-10-06

hanfu grandma liu weixiu, 77 years old, used to be a peking opera performer before retiring. after retirement, a group of pictures of her in hanfu suddenly made her an internet celebrity. she captured a lot of attention at the 17th china international cartoon & animation festival (#cicaf). eighteen-year-old chen jiawei sat with her during the interview because she was nervous in front of our camera. although only 18, he's been engaged in hanfu content creation for almost five years and has 8 million followers on his social media platforms. during the past year, he's been performing with hanfu grandma, portraying grandma and grandson, and helping her when she's nervous with fans and the media. let's hear their story.
