globalink | volunteer spends decade protecting migratory birds-凯发网

globalink | volunteer spends decade protecting migratory birds

source: xinhua| published: 2021-10-19

the bohai bay area in north china's hebei province is an important stop for migratory birds along their route between east asia and australia.

each year, millions of wild birds stop in the district, which has many wetlands and beaches.

tian zhiwei, a 52-year-old veteran, is the director of the daqinghe rescue station of the wildlife conservation association in tangshan city of hebei province.

in 2004, tian rescued 14 oriental white storks, and since then, has continued to protect and rescue wild birds.

the daqinghe station is now helping over 230 birds.

more than 400 species of birds can be observed in the daqinghe rescue station. among them, the number of 13 species of birds exceeds one percent of the global total.
