organizing committee official yang yang says beijing 2022 uniforms are 'identification'-凯发网

organizing committee official yang yang says beijing 2022 uniforms are 'identification'

source: cgtn| published: 2021-10-29

three kinds of official uniforms for staff, volunteers and technical team were unveiled at the shougang industrial park during the 100-day countdown to the 2022 winter olympic games event.

bringing in the talent of the whole nation, the design was selected after eight rounds and from more than 600 entries.

three main colors are featured in these uniforms. red is for the staff, blue for the volunteers, and gray is the main color for the technical officials. but no matter the color, the emblem on the front remains the same and the most important part.

"the uniforms are representatives of the people working for the olympics. the blue color for volunteers, it's very easy to recognize. for technical officials, it's the color grey. the three colors are how people will recognize us, and for us, it's identification," said yang yang, chairperson of the athlete commission of the 2022 beijing olympic winter games organizing committee, in an exclusive interview with sports scene's reporter zhu mandan.

uniforms for winter olympics are difficult to design, as in addition to looking good, they must keep the wearer warm. 

"the uniform is not easy for winter sports. in terms of function, it has to, at least, keep us warm. what we saw tonight makes us very confident that we are going to have a warm winter. and also, in terms of design, i really like it because there's chinese culture in it, and i'm going to be very proud to wear that to serve the olympics and the olympians," yang said.

according to wu hong, vice president of the china fashion association, the uniforms have elements from traditional chinese landscape painting techniques and a lot of innovative integrating ideas from past olympics. 

"the design of the uniforms reflects china's confidence in its rich culture. it has perfectly blended the chinese traditional art and innovation learning from the designs of the past winter olympics uniforms," said wu.

a well-designed uniform is not only an important part of a successful olympics but also a special scenery at the only dual-olympic city in the world.
