globalink | exhibitors from all over the world at the 4th ciie-凯发网

globalink | exhibitors from all over the world at the 4th ciie

source: xinhua| published: 2021-11-02

from the first china international import expo (ciie) to the fourth session, more and more business people from all over the world have seen the huge potential of the chinese market.

habib, a pakistani who has lived in shanghai for ten years, has brought products from pakistan to shanghai in order to open up new markets at the ciie. ramazan from turkey has participated in three consecutive ciie, which enables him to increase the annual sales of his turkish specialty products. chinese girl dong jingyan has led many small enterprises from syria to participate in the expo, creating a bridge between china and syria.

ramazan introduces turkish products to customers at the greenland global commodity trading hub (g-hub) in east china's shanghai, sept. 7, 2021. (xinhua/fang zhe)

ramazan shows a turkish product at the greenland global commodity trading hub (g-hub) in east china's shanghai, sept. 7, 2021. (xinhua/fang zhe)

habib shows a pakistani product at the greenland global commodity trading hub (g-hub) in east china's shanghai, sept. 7, 2021. (xinhua/fang zhe)

habib (r) introduces pakistani products to a customer at the greenland global commodity trading hub (g-hub) in east china's shanghai, sept. 7, 2021. (xinhua/fang zhe)

dong jingyan shows syrian products at the greenland global commodity trading hub (g-hub) in east china's shanghai, oct. 21, 2021. (xinhua/fang zhe)

dong jingyan (l) introduces a syrian product to a customer at the greenland global commodity trading hub (g-hub) in east china's shanghai, oct. 21, 2021. (xinhua/fang zhe)
