globalink | african youth representatives catch glimpse of china's rural revitalization-凯发网

globalink | african youth representatives catch glimpse of china's rural revitalization

source: xinhua| published: 2021-10-17

some african youth representatives recently visited villages in jiaxing, east china's zhejiang province. they had hands-on experience in the making of painting on water chestnut, sugar cake and other intangible cultural heritages.

through doing so, they have caught a glimpse of china's rural revitalization.

they visited a farmers' painting exhibition hall in linglongwan. painting on water chestnut is a traditional local craft as the place abounds with them. water chestnut here is not only food, but also good canvas.

sugar cake, also known as "tang gao," is a traditional snack here. the industrialization of local specialty food production helps the residents achieve prosperity.
