
ultra-low energy consumption buildings emerging in china

source: xinhua| published: 2021-11-11

in recent years, china has been vigorously promoting ultra-low energy consumption buildings, including passive house.

"passive house," originating from the german term "passivhaus," refers to a standard for energy efficiency in a building through a design process integrated with architecture.

passive house combines the advantages of energy conservation, environmental protection, comfort and livability.

gaobeidian, about 100 km south of beijing, boasts a passive building construction area of 1.2 million square meters, the world's largest passive complex.

local residents said the temperature in their apartments remains at 20 degrees celsius without heating in winter or air conditioning in summer.

the chinese government set a guideline in 2017 proposing demonstration projects of ultra-low-energy-consuming and near-zero-energy-consuming buildings.

the total floor area of china's green buildings has exceeded 6.6 billion square meters amid the country's efforts to promote high-quality development in urban and rural areas.
