china's wto entry facilitates globalization, benefits global growth: u.s. economist-凯发网

china's wto entry facilitates globalization, benefits global growth: u.s. economist

source: xinhua| published: 2021-11-16

china's entry into the world trade organization (wto) two decades ago was "a tremendous push to globalization," benefiting both china and the world, said jeffrey sachs, director of the center for sustainable development at columbia university in a recent interview with xinhua.

sachs said he believes in globalization, "because we really have a benefit of sharing each other's knowledge, of travel and tourism, of different cultures, of different ways of knowledge, of different ways of innovation."

sachs also highlighted china's "very constructive role" in stabilizing the global supply chain, noting other countries should also play their distinct part in mitigating the current supply-chain disruptions.
