humans of beijing 2022: girl who works on the catwalk-凯发网

humans of beijing 2022: girl who works on the catwalk

source: cgtn| published: 2022-01-15

olympic games can be as important for photographers as they are for athletes. their photos capture everything from performances and techniques to moods and emotions. qin lang is the deputy venue photo manager at wukesong stadium, the venue for ice hockey events during the winter games. her work includes figuring out positions for special-angled cameras, assisting news agencies to set up their cameras, and determining shooting spots around the ice rink. there are a total of 124 shooting spots with 13 of them being aerial positions. the job also requires them to climb up 20 meters above the ground. cgtn's cen ziyuan talks to the woman whose job is to help photographers get their best shots at the beijing winter olympics.
