globalink | chinese artist makes clay tigers to welcome lunar new year-凯发网

globalink | chinese artist makes clay tigers to welcome lunar new year

source: xinhua| published: 2022-01-18

hu xinming, a renowned artist in fengxiang county, northwest china's shaanxi province has made a series of clay tigers to welcome the upcoming chinese lunar new year.

based on traditional techniques, hu has added to the sculptures creative decorations and colors to give them a modern touch.

fengxiang clay sculpture, better known as "the clay stuff" by locals in the county, originated during the pre-qin period (pre-221 b.c.) and thrived in the ming dynasty (1368-1644).

the craft was included in a national protection project for intangible cultural heritage in 2006.

the clay sculptures have been exported to more than 60 countries and regions such as the united states, germany, france and japan.
