globalink | ski coach in china's xinjiang wishes to train more skiing talents-凯发网

globalink | ski coach in china's xinjiang wishes to train more skiing talents

source: xinhua| published: 2022-01-23

muhiyati daniyar has been engaged in physical education for 28 years and witnessed the start and development of winter tourism in altay city in northwest china's xinjiang uygur autonomous region.

his love of winter sports began with a special pair of skis.

without venues and materials, a pair of simple skis filled his childhood with happiness, and the seeds of winter sports were buried in his heart at that time. at the age of 19, he became a physical education teacher.

in 2018, altay incorporated skiing into physical education courses for primary and secondary school students, the first city to do so in china.

skiing is no longer limited by the venue or the season. children may ski all year round with proper skiing gear.

under his coaching, altay's youth skiing team sends skiing talents to the national team every year.
