fascinating china ep00: mashup of short video series "fascinating china"-凯发网

fascinating china ep00: mashup of short video series "fascinating china"

source: gmw.cn| published: 2019-08-07

the 58-episode short video series featuring outstanding intellectuals of all ethnic groups in china talking about cultural inheritance and development started to air on aug. 6, gmw.cn announced at a release conference yesterday. the short video series themed "fascinating china" was produced under the guidance of the online news and information dissemination bureau of cyberspace administration of china(cac). the short video series is jointly produced by the galaxy studios and gmw.cn (official website of guangming daily) .

the 58-episode short video series, includes a mashup of short video series “fascinating china”, a short video”56 ethnic groups chorus: i love you, china”. according to the schedule, at least one episode will be broadcast per day. whats more, gmw.cn will also cooperate with other partner media channels like weibo, douyin, kuaishou to actively interact with netizens to set off a national culture boom.
