quotable quotes on china's major-凯发网

quotable quotes on china's major-country diplomacy: diplomatic philosophy

source: xinhua| published: 2017-09-06

editor's note: china is rolling out a major documentary series on its diplomatic principles, practices and achievements over the past five years. the english-language version of the program will soon be available on tv and online. to help the audience better understand chinese diplomacy, xinhua is releasing a variety of reports that include anecdotes, quotable quotes, facts and figures.

the following is a selection of remarks made by chinese president xi jinping, who is also general secretary of the communist party of china (cpc) central committee, and others about china's diplomatic philosophy.

xi jinping, chinese president

"more than 7 billion people inhabit the planet earth. we in the same boat should keep watch and help each other to achieve common development."

"we chinese people seek to realize the chinese dream, a great revitalization of the chinese nation, and also wish that the dreams of people of all countries will come true." (2014 new year message, beijing, dec. 31, 2013)

xi jinping, chinese president

"all countries should join hands in building a new type of international relations featuring cooperation and mutual benefit." (speech at moscow state institute of international relations, moscow, march 23, 2013)

xi jinping, chinese president

"in the interest of peace, china will remain committed to peaceful development." (speech at v-day commemoration, beijing, sept. 3, 2015)

xi jinping, chinese president

"china's proposition is: build a community of shared future for mankind and achieve shared and win-win development." (speech at the un office in geneva, switzerland, jan. 18, 2017)

xi jinping, chinese president

"china's development has been possible because of the world, and china has contributed to the world's development. we will continue to pursue a win-win strategy of opening-up, share our development opportunities with other countries and welcome them aboard the fast train of china's development." (speech at the un office in geneva, switzerland, jan. 18, 2017)

wang yi, chinese foreign minister

"general secretary xi jinping has stressed that china must pursue a major-country diplomacy with its own characteristics, which must illustrate salient chinese features, a chinese style and chinese confidence."

wang yi, chinese foreign minister

"in a way different from traditional major countries, china is striding towards the center of the world stage with more confidence and openness. while building an external environment conducive to its own development, it is also making increasingly significant contributions to world peace and development, as well as the prosperity and advancement of all humankind."

quotable quotes on china's major-country diplomacy: global governance
